Groupage cargo freight - consolidated transportations of small dimensions cargoes of various customers to one direction into one vehicle (container). Groupage cargo freight allows to reduce delivery cost for transportation of low-capacity cargo with small dimensions and gross weight.
We offer import transportations of groupage cargoes by several ways to:
- Air transport from all countries,
- Road freight from Europe by trucks,
- Sea containers from the USA, China, Turkey, Korea, India, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philipine, UAE, and Hong Kong, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan and other countries.
Export transportations from Ukraine of groupage cargo is provided by low-tonnage trucks or by air transport An information about gross weight and sizes of each piece is very important.
In the groupage or consolidated cargoes there is a concept chargeable weight - is the greatest between gross and volume weight.
Air freight:
In 1 m 3 - 167 kg of chargeable weight (Cw)
Road freight::
In 1 m 3 - 300 kg of chargeable weight.
The gross weight of shipment and each piece is important also of axle loads for autotruck.
Sea transportations:
LCL (Less-than-Container-Load) is possibility of transportation of the consolidated cargoes in volume 1 m. cubic (or from 1 ton).
1 м3 = 1tonns
Rail transportations of groupage cargoes which are carried out in covered and post-baggage cars are less popular also.